Co-Locating multiple containers within the same pod in K8S: Side-Car Use-Case

Yair Nevet
2 min readJun 22, 2023


One common use case for colocating multiple containers within the same pod is when you have an application that requires a sidecar container to enhance its functionality. A sidecar container is a secondary container that runs alongside the main application container and supports it in some way. Here’s an example:

Use Case: Logging and Monitoring Sidecar

Let’s say you have a microservice-based application that consists of multiple containers, and you want to collect logs and monitor the application’s performance. You can achieve this by colocating a logging sidecar container within the same pod as the main application container.

The logging sidecar container can be responsible for collecting application logs, formatting them, and sending them to a centralized log aggregation service like Elasticsearch, Fluentd, or Logstash. It can tail the application’s log files, apply any necessary transformations, and forward the logs to the desired destination.

By colocating the logging sidecar within the same pod, you can:

1. Share the same network namespace: The logging sidecar can access the application’s logs easily, as they are located within the same pod and share the same filesystem.

2. Simplify deployment and scaling: Since the logging sidecar is deployed alongside the application container in the same pod, you can scale the entire pod together. The logging sidecar automatically scales with the application, ensuring that logs are collected for all instances.

3. Reduce network overhead: Instead of sending logs over the network from each individual container, the logging sidecar can collect the logs locally and forward them efficiently to the log aggregation service. This reduces network overhead and can be particularly beneficial in scenarios where large volumes of logs are generated.

4. Isolate and modularize concerns: By separating the logging functionality into a sidecar container, you keep the main application container focused on its primary responsibilities. This isolation makes it easier to maintain and update each component independently.

To implement this use case, you would define a pod manifest file with both the main application container and the logging sidecar container. The logging sidecar container would be responsible for collecting and forwarding logs, while the main application container would focus on serving the application’s primary function.

Colocating containers within the same pod in this use case allows for seamless coordination and integration between the main application and the supporting sidecar, simplifying the overall management of the application’s logging and monitoring needs.



Yair Nevet
Yair Nevet

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